猶如老鷹般自在翱翔,在每一次敲打之間持續注入自身的信念,KEN KIKUCHI「Keep Flying High!」台北見面會是菊地健從企畫階段就開始參與,完全量身打造的一次特別展演,親眼見證最與眾不同的 KEN KIKUCHI。
Soaring freely like an eagle, infusing his beliefs into every strike, KENKIKUCHI's "Keep Flying High!" Taipei meetup is a special exhibition personally crafted by KENKIKUCHI himself from the very beginning of the planning stage. Witness firsthand the one and only, truly unique KENKIKUCHI.
老師 Teacher|KENKICHUI
協辦|麗姿藝術公司 ©SD.1994
攝影 D.O.P|陳威岓
美術造景 Art Director|花家慧
剪接 Editor|林廷
後期製作 Post-production |